Using Florals in Ceramics

one day workshop

Could there be anything more satisfying than going down to your garden, picking some flowers and then using them to create something permanent in your home?

This one day workshop takes you on a complete journey starting with just a hunk of raw clay and creating anything you want. You could create tiles to be used in the kitchen or a slab mug to have your coffee from in the morning

The morning session will focus on different methods you can use to create your piece, our tutor will guide you and help develop your ideas into a functioning piece to choose the one that’s right for you, and then you can get stuck into creating, crafting and shaping your piece. Over the lunch break your pieces will have time to dry out enough for you to start carving, mark-making and painting it during the afternoon’s colour and decoration session. At the end of the day your piece will be sitting pretty on our drying rack, and we’ll get it fired for you just as soon as it’s kiln-ready.

Your pieces will be ready to collect and use around 3 weeks after your session - we’ll let you know if it’s ready sooner (it all depends on our firing schedule). If you aren’t local, we can post it to you.


A celebration of imprinting and texture making from nature, giving you a complete finished piece!


4 hours of tuition

All materials including clays, glazes and community tools

All kiln firing

Final glazing, which our team will do for you to ensure your piece is food safe


An apron or old T-shirt

Instagram saves, a Pinterest board, ideas about a mug shape you love


This workshop is taught by a number of studio teachers.

Ready to book?